【The Only Constant in Life is Change 改變是唯一不變,對疫情當下和議情過後可能對於線上市場行銷的變化觀察,並分享對哈佛商學院相關文章讀後感】
COVID-19 in 2020 is a global pandemic which changed the way we work and live. Consumer preferences, consumer behaviors, new products and services, size of the market, and the use of technology and regulations are all changing under COVID-19. And marketing professionals around the world need to adapt quickly with the evolving global business environment.
At my current workplace, our original marketing plan which was approved late last year was completely abolished after COVID-19. We are not alone. Businesses around the world are experiencing the same thing. Jill Avery and Richard Edelman wrote on the Harvard Business School website that “Recognizing that their existing brand creative might strike the wrong tone with people fearful for their own and their community’s health, and anxious about their personal and the world’s rapidly deteriorating economic situation, the Walmart marketing team pivoted quickly to produce and air new advertising creative that tapped into the rapidly changing zeitgeist. The result, the Retail Heroes campaign, featured CEO McMillon Zooming in remotely from home to thank the one million Walmart front line employees for their dedication to their work, he calls them heroes, not just to the company, but also to people around the globe.”
Very few governments around the world had make in-depth efforts to prepare for pandemics at the COVID-19 level. The US, so called ‘leader of the free world’ is not handling the COVID-19 situation well. In fact, COVID-19 is out of control in the US. Currently, there are over 5.88 million confirmed cases and 181K death. This has a strong impact on the confidence of the general public and dramatically changing consumer behaviours.
Some less known places, such as Taiwan has been doing a great job fighting COVID-19. Taiwan suffered from SARS back in 2003 and it had forced the island to create better defense system and immediate response mechanism towards outbreak of viruses.
Taiwan has over 23 million people (similar to Australia. The population in Australia is about 24 million.) and it’s a very densely populated place. Geographically, it’s very close to mainland China and because of this, a lot of people, including top health professionals predicted that Taiwan would soon fall to COVID-19 and it would be very difficult to control it. But so far, the COVID-19 confirmed cases are 487 and 7 death in Taiwan. Comparing to most European countries, America and Australia, COVID-19 is under control in Taiwan. Business are open as usual in Taiwan and consumer confidence remains. But its travel industry still took a fatal hit. And it might take years to recover.
Across the globe, many countries are facing one of the biggest public health crises in recent history. And the economic impact is too large to even start to comprehend. As a key feature during COVID19 is how consumers are struggling to make ends meet. Millions of people are out of jobs or close to lose their jobs. This changed the general public’s confidence in governments and altered consumer purchasing habits. Therefore, digital marketing strategies for businesses are evolving with the current situation.
More conservative approach is more suited to the current turbulent environment. Definitely seeing a massive decrease in confidence for businesses to try new marketing plan of actions. Due to the infectious nature of this pandemic, businesses have shifted their marketing efforts online. Although it is hard to see it, but the upside of turbulent markets is that opportunities and new resources are being created continuously, and that agile organisations should be actively seeking global turbulent markets and opportunities. For example, the online telecommunications providers are experiencing enormous growth. Online industries, across retail, health and education are all thriving and developing during COVD19 phase. A familiar brand name under COVID-19 is ZOOM. Zoom says it has “more than 300 million daily users” and that “more than 300 million people around the world are using Zoom during this challenging time.”
“The only constant in life is change” – Heraclitus. The ability to adapt according to the changing environment is key to success to businesses. And this is the same for digital marketing strategies.
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agile developing 在 91 敏捷開發之路 Facebook 的精選貼文
Bas 對 scrum 的本質一語道破。
To me, the essence of Scrum is a simple idea. There is a customer who has a problem that is worth solving and that can probably be solved by developing a product. To help that customer, we put together a team of people who together have or can acquire the skills needed to build that product. This team interacts directly with the real customer to better understand the problem. Together, the customer and the team, decide on the most important first steps in solving the larger problem. The team develops a small, usable product in a short, fixed time to take that first step, solving a small part of the problem. Having reached the end of that first period in time, the team reflects on how they worked and determines how to improve that. The team and customer play with what was created and together choose the best next step. Off they go. This cycle continues until there is no more problem to solve.
以終為始,不是為了 scrum 的儀式、活動、詞彙,甚至追求那個模樣而去做。
當然,能達到這目的的方式不只是 scrum, 但也不能否認 scrum 曾幫助很多團隊達到這樣的目標。
agile developing 在 91 敏捷開發之路 Facebook 的最佳解答
很多人以為,測試人員「只靠測試」,來測出 bug,但事實上他們負責的是「品質」,他們的價值不只是測試本身,更多的是:
☆ 找出哪一些東西需要測試
☆ 說明哪一些東西不測試可能會有什麼樣的風險
☆ 哪一些東西雖然在開發人員的定義不是 bug,卻影響到使用者用起來的感受與品質
☆ 甚至他們需要在短時間內快速探索、學習「新產品」或「新領域」的能力,了解這樣的產品提供了怎樣的功能,是為了解決使用者的什麼問題。
很多專業的 QA 才是真正的 domain expert,他們的天性是發散、建立關聯、探索、聚焦、學習。
然而,如果把一般功能的驗證,產品開發的邏輯 bug,也都交給 QA 來一概承擔,那我覺得這產品的極限可能是「沒有 bug」,但「品質」不一定是高水準的,因為 QA 的能力被用在低效的產出上。
開發上大部分的 bug,都是因為「寫的跟想的不一樣」,想的沒 bug,寫出來卻有 bug。
※ QA 是幫忙解決:「想錯」的 bug。
※ 如何在賺錢的 legacy code 上,優雅地加入【單元測試】,請參考:https://dotblogs.com.tw/…/201905-unit-testing-effectively-w…
另一種 bug 是每個人寫的都沒問題,但串起來的部份沒做好。這類就適合依靠「#驗收測試」來模擬,站在使用者的角度,用使用者的情境,自動化的去「走」這些情境,驗證功能、情境、資料是否如同預期。
當然有可能,而且很常發生。這問題通常透過「#實例化需求」來避免。在實例化需求過程,有需求單位、有 BA、有 QA、有 Dev (當然,這只是指團隊有人可以 cover 該角色所具備的技能即可)
那有沒有可能, #實例化需求 仍然不夠?例如:開發團隊做出來的,既符合當初的驗收情境,也通過 QA 的品質要求,PO 也認為這是當初講的東西,但看完之後,PO 覺得當時想錯了,他有更好的想法,或是需要更好的想法呢?
所以,Agile 的「#快速迭代交付產品增量」、「#MVP / #MMF」、ATDD/TDD 的「#可行走的骨架」、「#曳光彈式開發」,都是為了能用最小的付出,獲得最大的 outcome。(這個 outcome 不只是功能本身,也包含了發現我們的功能根本是無用的廢物,或是發生了不同的 event 而產出更棒的作法)
當然有可能!所以,從一開始的設計,就要 #即時重構,要重構前要有測試的保護,如果一樣都要寫測試,那 #TDD 會比候補測試來得更加「事半功倍」,用測試來描述情境、驅動開發、維持易用性,搭配重構來穩定設計、確保彈性、夯實品質,讓開發與維護的成本曲線是緩慢上升、斜率趨近於0的直線。
※ 想要用測試描述需求、探索需求、分析需求,並找到核心的情境,適當的開發順序,請參考【TDD與持續重構】:https://dotblogs.com.tw/…/201907-evolutionary-development-t…
※ 想要從軟體架構設計上達到「職責、關注點分離」,讓團隊能依循這樣的設計規範來達到「消除重複」,可以善用【DI與AOP】的設計,請參考:https://dotblogs.com.tw/…/201905-dependency-injection-and-a…
第一種,需求沒照價值的優先順序排列,且不具備「捨棄」低價值功能的勇氣,想要的太多,需要的太少,當然快不起來。另外這一類問題常見的還有,無法把需求 end-to-end 的切細切小。
第二種,就是開發能量的不足。老話一句,加人是沒用的。在產品開發的領域,scale-up 遠比 scale-out 實際多了。三四個精英可以抵得上兩三個團的戰力。
※ 很多人的開發方式、開發環境、開發工具,根本是原始人等級的,想要往【極速開發】的領域邁進,請參考:https://dotblogs.com.tw/…/2…/11/29/201905-extreme-developing
當然有可能,導入變革本來就是軟硬技能的綜合體,如何發揮影響力,如何幫助大家無感,如何找到對的 roadmap,如何讓大家嚐到甜頭,如何讓大家自己想要?
※ 想要 train 出自己團隊的 internal coach? 請參考【工程實踐與流程規範導入實務】https://dotblogs.com.tw/…/engineering-practice-and-process-…
▍Road Map
我在 2018 年、2019 年所開立的課程,就是希望把這條 road map 拉出來,幫助大家打通。
每一塊都是不可缺少的拼圖,一環扣一環,你能找到兩塊拼圖拼起來,就可以獲得 1+1 > 2 的綜效。
最後,還有幾門主題是這條 road map 上我正在準備的內容:
① 實例化需求
② 敏捷落地 (agile, scrum, lean, kanban, XP 揉在一起的綜合技)
③ Exception and Error handling
希望能在 2019 年下半年,幫助大家開地圖,帶著大家一起砍怪升級練技能。
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